Підшипник оптовики

Full complement bearing

Full complement cylindrical roller bearings

Full complement cylindrical roller bearings have solid inner and outer rings and rib-guided cylindrical rollers. Since these bearings have the largest possible number of rolling elements, they have extremely high radial load carrying capacity, high rigidity and are suitable for particularly compact designs. Due to their kinematic conditions, however, they cannot achieve the high speeds that are possible when using cylindrical roller bearings with cage.

Full complement cylindrical roller bearings are available as non-locating, semi-locating and locating bearings and in single and double row designs.


Many sizes are supplied in X-life design. These bearings are indicated in the dimension tables.
Bearings of X-life quality have a lower roughness Ra and superior geometrical accuracy of the raceways than comparable designs that are not X-life. As a result, the load carrying capacity and life of these bearings is higher while maintaining the same dimensions. In certain applications, a smaller design of bearing arrangement can therefore be used if necessary.

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