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Tapered Roller Bearings Timken

Tapered bearings are uniquely designed to manage both thrust and radial loads on rotating shafts and in housings. We manufacture nearly 26,000 bearing combinations – in single, double and four-row configurations. Customized geometries and engineered surfaces can be applied to these bearings to further enhance performance in demanding applications.

Timken offers the most extensive line of tapered roller bearings available anywhere in the world.

Tapered roller bearings are uniquely designed to manage both thrust and radial loads on rotating shafts and in housings. We manufacture nearly 26,000 tapered roller bearing combinations – in single, double and four-row tapered roller bearing configurations. Customized geometries and engineered surfaces can be applied to these tapered roller bearings to further enhance performance in demanding applications.

Tapered roller bearings consist of four interdependent components: the cone, or inner ring; the cup, or outer ring; the tapered rollers, or rolling elements; and the cage, or roller retainer. The taper angles allow the bearing to handle a combination of radial and thrust loads. The steeper the cup angle, the greater the ability of the tapered roller bearing to handle thrust loads.

To learn more about the most common types and sizes of tapered roller bearings we offer, simply click on a link below.

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